Thursday, 4 February 2016

Exam revision tips!

Hiya again!

Since it is coming to the end of half term here in the UK and in schools here you usually have end of half term exams around this time so I thought I would give everyone a few tips on how to revise well. Hopefully you all find these useful and will use them in the future with end of term exams or even the big end of year exams.

My first tip is that you shouldn't revise on subject for too long. I would say no longer than 30 mins max. Otherwise you'll lose concentration, especially if your someone like me who gets very easily distracted. (earlier I was doing an impression of a frog while I was revising. weird, crazy, I know! Don't judge me!) Also you can lose track of time and if you have lots of subjects to revise for it isn't a good idea!

Secondly, while also linking to the first point, set yourself a timer for each revision session. Say if your going to revise chemistry for 20 mins, set a timer for 20 mins. I find this much more helpful as I can actually get some revision done. Whereas, if I don't have a timer I find myself constantly looking at the clock and I don't actually do much revision.

Also, make sure you find out which type of learner you are. This will really help as you can revise in ways that will suit your style of learning. Personally, I'm kinaesthetic, so I learn by doing things. To help me revise I tend to write notes on the things I am studying. I have been doing this a lot in Chemistry and I've been getting A's all year so far!

As well as that always switch your devices off and put them away before you start. They are a big distraction. Whenever my phone is near me when I am revising I always end up on it! So, before you start just turn it off and put it away! You'll see the benefits when you get your grade back for sure!

If you find revising really hard treats are a good way of rewarding yourself. Whether its a chocolate bar or a youtube binge. (a way of procrastination I find if I am doing homework on my laptop. Oh how the internet can be so distracting!) Rewarding yourself is a good way to remind yourself that life isn't all about exams. (even though is does seem like it at my school!)

Also, if you find it hard to revise in a lot of noise or in a place where there is a lot of distractions put yourself in a quieter room or go somewhere completely different like Starbucks to revise. I know this might sound stupid but it can really help!

Hopefully you have found this helpful and let me know if any of these tips have helped you prepare for exams!! If you have any others that I haven't mentioned put them in the comments or tweet me at @Abbey_Mariexx or @AbbeytheJCat. Thanks for reading!

Abbey Marie

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